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  1. Aariel Cooper says:


    I have been doing research into Capons recently and I was hoping that you might have some insight into why they are more popular for eating in European countries (like Italy), than in other countries like the USA. I am located in the US and can’t seem to find many sources that raise Capon here, but I would love to taste one and possibly even start raising some here.

    Any information would be much appreciated if you can spare the time.

    Thank you!

    1. Certainly!

      Capons are more popular in European countries like Italy due to their historical and culinary traditions, where they are celebrated for their tender and flavorful meat. This preference is less common in the USA due to several factors:

      Ethical Concerns: The process of caponizing roosters, which involves castration, raises ethical issues and is less accepted.

      Economic Factors: Capons require more time and resources to raise, making them costlier than regular poultry, which diminishes their appeal in the mass market where efficiency and cost are prioritized.

      Consumer Awareness: There’s a general lack of awareness and lower demand for capons in the U.S., where faster-growing, cost-effective poultry breeds dominate the market.

      To try capon in the U.S., look for specialty butchers or upscale grocery stores.